dinkytown business alliance


The Dinkytown Business Alliance’s mission is to strengthen the business climate of the Dinkytown commercial area. By becoming a member and participating, you are helping to strengthen our unified voice, build Dinkytown as a local and regional destination, support cross promotional efforts, and affect a positive future for the area.

Eligibility for Membership

There are two levels of membership: Voting Members and Associate Members.
If you own a business or a property in the Dinkytown Commercial District (as defined by being located within the Dinkytown Special Services District), you are eligible to be a Voting Member. If you are a community partner or supporter of DBA, you can become an Associate Member.

Membership Dues

DBA membership dues are $50 -­ $500 on a sliding scale fee. You can choose the amount you pay, but keep in mind the more resources we have, the more we can advocate for you and your business.

The work of the DBA will benefit the whole of Dinkytown. All Dinkytown meetings are open to everyone whether you are a member or not.

Become a DBA member today!

Please contact info@dinkytownmpls.org.